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Dr. Libai Huang

Principal Investigator

Professor, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University

Director, QuPIDC EFRC

Dr. Mengjia Sun

Postdoctoral researcher

Mengjia's research interests focus on the photophysical process of organic and organic-inorganic crystalline materials.

Dr. Weijian Tao

Postdoctoral researcher

Weijian's research interests include the properties of low-dimensional materials and hybrid light-matter states.

Dr. Hanjun Yang

Postdoctoral researcher

Dr. Yang's research interests focus on developing novel two-dimensional nanomaterials and characterizing their structural evolutions and light coupling using ultrafast spectroscopy.

Dr. Ben Cerjan

Research Scholar

Ben works with the QuPIDC at Purdue. In particular, he supports the research via nanofabrication, scientific programming, and optical systems.

Galina Grechishnikova

Doctoral Student

Galina joined Huang research group in the fall of 2019 to study energy transfer in organic systems and photosynthetic complexes.

Kinjol Barua

Doctoral Student

Kinjol's primary focus is on studying strong light-matter interactions in 2D materials (TMDC) and integrating them with nanophotonic structures to harness strong optical nonlinearity at the single-photon level.

Jonas Mark Peterson

Doctoral Student

Jonas's work focuses on understanding the dynamics of excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides and how they can be strongly coupled to light using photonic devices.

Emma Elizabeth Daggett

Doctoral Student

Emma joined Purdue in the fall of 2021, and is co-advised by Dr. Libai Huang and Dr. Jonathan Hood. She studies light-matter interactions with organic molecules.

Qiushi Ma

Doctoral Student

In the summer of 2023, Qiushi joined the Huang Research Group.

Sonja G Nusser

Doctoral Student

Sonja joined the Huang lab in 2024 and is studying the excitonic properties of perovskite superlattices.

Josh Michael Birke

Doctoral Student

Josh's current research involves the photophysics of fluorophores and their reduced functionality at cryo temperatures. This research will be applied to the field of cryo-CLEM.

Arnab Ghosh

Doctoral Student

Arnab joined the Huang group in Fall 2024, where he focused on studying transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) and exciton transport in 2D materials using LASER-based techniques.

Minxue Wang

Doctoral Student

Currently, Minxue is learning about the excitonic properties of group-VI transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and their integration and coupling with photonic devices.

Shukai Chen

Doctoral Student

In 2024, Shukai joined the Huang Research Group. Currently, he keeps studying theories and facilities in the lab for his future research.

  • Dr. Sarath Santhakumar - Postdoctoral scholar at Columbia University (group of Dr. Xiaoyang Zhu)

  • Dr. Victoria Lumsargis

  • Dr. Dewei Sun

  • Dr. Shibin Deng - Nankai University, Tianjin, China

  • Dr. Daria Blach - Berkeley National Lab (group of Dr. Archana Raja)

  • Dr. Linrui Jin - KLA

  • Long Yuan - Postdoc, Los Alamos National Laboratory

  • Dr. Jordan Snaider - Scientist, Naval Surface Warfare Center

  • Dr. Tong Zhu -  Beijing Institute of Technology

  • Dr. Ti Wang - Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

  • Dr. Yan Wan - Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

  • Dr. Zhi Guo  - Software Engineer

  • Dr. Suxia Yan 

  • Dr. Hongyan Shi - Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

  • Dr. Bo Gao - Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

  • Dr. Sean Murphy 

  • Chris Wong  

  • Nathan Costa 

  • Fei Huai Li 

  • Sara Fong 

  • Cameron Postnikoff 

  • Caitlin Kruse 

2025 Purdue Chemistry
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